Monday, 11 September 2017

Time to put your place in tune with the season

With fall already here and Halloween getting closer, it’s time to renovate your living space to look in synch with the redhead season. A well-designed home can do wonders for your quality of life, improving your living conditions, mood, and giving you a sense of pride whenever you’re entertaining guests. Unfortunately, not everybody was born with a sense of style or the knowledge of an interior designer. That’s why we picked 5 questions that will help you understand what you need to get your home ready for the season.

1. What feel are you after?
Interior designing is largely a matter of personal taste. After all, you are the one living there. That’s why you should think about how you would like to feel when you get home. Would you rather have an intimate space or a chic one that you can show-off to your friends? Knowing what feel you’re after is half the battle. Once you’ve answered this question you’ll be surprised how quickly everything else falls into place.

2. What are the strengths and weaknesses of your space?
When it comes to interior design no rule is carved into stone. Each space has its own characteristics that make it unique. To make it fall-ready, it’s important that you assess its strengths and weaknesses objectively so you can come with a design that fits it perfectly. Ask yourself questions like, is the ceiling too low? Does it get enough lighting? Would this color look better on the walls? Take note of your answers and you will have a good idea of what to do.

3. What is my style?
Your home decor taste isn’t separate from your style preferences. When redecorating a space you should ask yourself questions like, am I classic or trendy? Do I like bright colors or somber ones? What are my favorite hotels? Use your built-in sense of style to make well-informed home decorating decisions.

4. What is my main canvas?
Picking the centerpiece of your renovating efforts and building from there is a great way to keep your project on track. This could be your ceiling, walls, windows, floors, or any other blank canvas you choose. What matters is that it’s an object that ties the space together and can be complemented or accentuated by everything else.

5. What’s my inspiration?
The biggest mistake that beginners make is starting with this question. Admiring somebody else’s work can be a good inspiration, but it should never replace your own style completely. Always start by exploring your own stylistic preferences before you go online looking for design ideas on Pinterest.

Once you’ve answered these questions you’ll have all the information you need to put your decoration project together, create a shopping list, and make a fall-themed house that’s perfect for you.

from Cheshire Oaks Shopping

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